Remember those old kitchen cabinets that Seth painstakingly saved from destruction for future use? I cleaned and painted them, and using yet another one of our homemade support systems, we mounted them on the wall of the carport, providing storage for tools and paint. (And yes, dad, we installed locks on them, too.)
Next, if you remember from the end of our previous entry, Seth now has the "light box" sheet-rocked, spackled, and sanded. Now the ball is in my court to paint it. Photos upon completion.
The next project wasn't a DIY job, but we did spend a lot of time on researching new windows. Our new double-paned windows were installed just before the temperature dropped. With the removal of our 1969 crappy windows that literally blew in the breeze, we're now completely insulated from the cold. We noticed a difference immediately and are excited to not wear four layers of clothing around the house anymore.
And, finally, we'd like to welcome our newest addition to the family: a brand new dining room table and chairs. And by brand new, I mean a 50-year-old table that we bought out of a dusty garage from a semi-crazy guy on craigslist. But it fits the space, the price was right, and a few coats of paint can transform anything, right?
1 comment:
When are we gonna get to see pictures of the new living room color?
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