It's been a while since we posted, but that doesn't mean we're not making progress. And for those of you wondering why I'm posting this on the eve of perhaps one of the most important days in our nation's history: anything that can distract me from hitting refresh on is a good thing.
So, since the installation of the microwave and final cabinet, we've been working on some of the "finishing" touches to the kitchen:

My mom was nice enough to give her time to help us paint. And by "us paint," I mean mostly mom and Ilana. And by "paint" I mean paint from noon until 8pm, and then some. Here she is painting the pantry I made (the doors went on last night!).

Here is Ilana painting around the cat door. That's right, we gave Seymour a
cat door. It's got a magnet sensor (he wears a magnet -- or as I call it, "the all-access pass") that let's him come in, but no other cats. It also has locks that override the magnet, which we use at night to keep him in. Unfortunately for us, he's managed to pick said locks. He's also managed to remove a piece of wood that was part of a shield I made to keep him from picking the lock. He's quite the Houdini. I have one more idea on how to truly lock him in... results to follow.

If you're wondering about the color, it's kind of a blue green grey. Looks a little blah in the photo, but it looks great in person.

Hopefully the last major construction piece to the kitchen is/was the "light box" that goes above our pass-through. Here it is, almost secured to the ceiling (I designed and constructed it myself). As you can see, it's supported by what I call a "
Frank System"; that is, barely secured pieces of wood held up for just long enough to get the job done. And get the job done they did.

It's all ready for Matt the electrician to do the final wiring. Then I need to cover it up with sheetrock and paint it.
And feel free to admire Ilana's electric bike in the background. That's right:
electric bike.
Wow, I had no idea such complicated cat doors existed. Impressive work!
Congrats and best wishes on the place in Berkeley. It looks great!
Have a very happy holidays!
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