Here are some of the highlights...
1) Slow and steady progress on the bedroom. We finally bought some end tables for the side of the bed. And then Seth and his dad, Frank, did some awesome crown molding work.

They make a good team (along with Seth's fancy new brad nailer) and are especially proud of the "corner work" they did by the closet.

It's now on me to caulk and touch-up the paint job -- soon, soon...
2) With some help from our new friend, Bristol, we painted the hallway, stairway, and upstairs doors. Little by little, we are wiping out the 1970s and bringing this place into the 21st Century. It truly is amazing the difference a fresh coat of paint makes.
3) The mother of all home improvements: new flooring! We can't take much DIY credit for this one. We pooled all of our wedding gifts (thank you, thank you, everybody!) and, with huge grins on our faces, actually hired someone to pull up our old ratty, stained, cat-puked-upon carpet and put down beautiful bamboo flooring. Special thanks to Linnette Edwards, realtor extraordinaire, for giving us some great advice on what to get (and what not to get) and Danny Fox at the Floor Store for getting us a great price on the bamboo.
Note that the before photos don't adequately convey just how bad it was. Trust us. It was bad.
Sometimes we get a little sad seeing the old stuff go. Not this time.
Here's a side-by-side shot:
The finished product. We still like to sit around and bask in the glory of these floors. Seriously.

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