The first thing we tackled was the light, which resembled what the future looked like back in 1969. Man, were they ever off on that. The light illuminated a rusty mirrored medicine cabinet.
Since we didn't need the storage (a Seth and Ilana first!), step one entailed removing the medicine cabinet:
We sealed it up, but not before leaving a special message inside for any future occupants crazy enough to cut into the wall.

Ilana, as usual, was called in to do the spackling:
Next, the light fixture was replaced (stay tuned for a photo of that). We then turned our attention to the sink fixtures, which built on the silver and gold theme of the light above:
Removing things always seems more difficult than installing them, and that has definitely been the case with our place. You'd think that after all these months it wouldn't surprise us anymore. But it does. Things were put together with a sense of permanency that confuses and frustrates us. Notice the joy of removing one of the tougher pieces that was practically welded onto the sink:
And the disgust of removing one of the grosser ones:
Finally, all the old pieces were removed and the new ones put in. And the water flowed like, well, like water. Pay no attention to bucket situation -- that was only for testing purposed. The water now exits through a pipe, just as God intended it to.
And here's the final shot, with everything put together. A new light, a new mirror, and new sink fixtures: