One of the nice things about starting to wrap up some of the "structural" elements of our work is being able to shift to actually making things look good. One of our first steps in this direction was to get a TV cabinet from our good friends at IKEA so that we can keep our TV more out of sight. We're very pleased:

Ilana once again used her unique IKEA-building skills to put together this two-box challenge in record time with top-notch results.
If this public policy thing doesn't work out, it's nice to know she'll always have career options in putting together
We've also recently uncovered a few more photos from our interim "mauve" paint job (now covered by Maritime "Ahoy!" White). Here's one:

Perhaps you can now see why we went back to the off-white. It's not a bad color, it's just not a living room color.
Also, we realized that we've yet to post pictures of our new light fixtures:

This is in our stairwell. Once again, Matt our amazing electrician came through. He replaced our two outdoor lights with motion detector lights, and then replaced our two horribly ugly, 60s/70s/80s chandeliers (they were so bad it's hard to know which decade to blame) with some nice new fixtures (that Ilana got from Home Depot with encouragement from my mom).
We also realized that our picture of the new light above the dining room table allows us to show you the progress from one specific sight line in our house: the kitchen looking towards the dining/living room. Here's the complete series, with our new light making an appearance in the last shot:

I'll leave you with one more photo I found: that of a very cute Ilana painting once her hand finally healed:
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